
Possible Technology Workshops for your Faculty and Staff: Basic
Classroom Technologies--Tools and Techniques
An Overview of the State of the Art in Educational Technologies: Two Sessions
Software overview
Small-Gadget-Awareness section
New PC Lab and lectern New Apple Lab and lectern
New class areas and SmartBoard and presentation capabilities
NetOp software for individual/group screen display
Support possibilities (incl: video editing, oversize printing and scanning, etc)

Windows and E-Mail tricks, tips and file management basics
 Introduction of skills for all those settings in these most-used productivity tools

Search Engines and Research Tools
Search Engines, Search Directories, Meta Engines and other on line research tools.
Example Info here. Search engines and an overview of the most efficient ways to find what you need on the web in the least amount of time.

PowerPoint, Smart Board and presentation basics (incl. Camtasia and avi files)
The most misused and most accessible presentation tool with some complementary applications as well. If you do not know this and you ever speak in front of more than three people at a time, you probably want to consider attending.

[Technology Series] [Basic] [Intermediate] [Advanced] [Philosophy]